What did you do during the pandemic, Daddy?

Well, cherished offspring, it was basically a time of four-letter words. So here are five of them, in a poem. We were almost clean out of punctuation when I wrote it, but I’m sure you can still make sense of it. There’s a passing reference to Thomas Stearns in it, but don’t think I’m getting above myself. I know my limitations. I’m still calling it a poem though, or five.



Quintet for a Quiet Pandemonium

News Home Work Life Hope


Strange news from a distant land
A slow tsunami ripples unseen in a far-off ocean
A trickle of news
into our news-feeds

the apocalyptic stuff of movies

alien foodstuffs from unhygienic markets

strange distant unconnected
consumed glancing briefly up
from our TV dinners

Eyes return from television to dinner
familiar foods from trusted providers
low in sugar
fats and salt accurately recorded
We are what we eat


Weeks later
holiday snaps loiter
between phone and cloud
scrolled carelessly in a carefree moment

Now-distant memories
captured further east
trips and visits
destinations driven by offspring
in their global village
free hugs at the crossing in Shibuya
frenzied shopping down the hill at Harajuku
fleeting cherry blossom in Ueno Park
timeless temples in a futuristic conurbation

How we chuckled
miming with paper masks on the Yamanoto line

What droll imitation
of millions moving through the metropolis
masked and mouthless
commuters conveying a sense of other
in a city of quite something else
foreign to our open-faced lives
experienced in a moment 
but only in passing

Days later
a strange message from a closer land
neighbours almost

Message almost lost 
amongst savings on airport parking
offers of unsolicited affection
webinars you cannot miss
the usual torrent of junk mail
Message found 
amongst electronic bids for second-hand clothes
queries of holiday souvenirs offloaded
in the most headless hopeless horror of the moment
when the tsunami is bearing right down on top of you

Aiutaci per favore!!
Are you in Japan?
For the love of God, 
send Avigan. 
We are dying here.


The fields are ploughed and scattered
no good seed yet to bind them
Brown fragile earth
light and purposeless
agitated whipped up bundled
carried high and fast
billowing waves of wind
crashing over fences and foliage
encasing windows
with an impenetrable glaze
inserting and insinuated
into hair eyes and nostrils
driving the locked-down housebound blindly homewards
soiled and sandy

And in the invisible air 
when it stills
a clear and present danger

What we once touched
we can no longer safely touch
Where we once went
we can no longer go
Who we once met
we can no longer meet
in a still turning world
but where the dance is
never a tango
nor a quickstep
but a sidestep
an after you
or before you
but never with you

Stillness broken only by the noise of numbers
the crescendos of first and second waves
ever more tallies kept
of our mortality
calculations made of our fragilities
trundled in on gurneys and graphs
left in rank corridors
awaiting an eventual salvation

The value
of what we value
is measured by the emptiness of a shelf

The value
of who we value
is measured by our presence on a doorstep

Applause unpaused
in a street full of strangers
Neighbours acknowledged
on a road full of dangers
This ribbon of a village
without a bow 
pulled taut and tight 
but dispersed long
but populated with separateness 
and transience

Steps taken weekly
to spread only the message
Steps taken closer
towards a distance less anti-social 

Learning to convey meanings 
through heads nodded 
eyelines creased 
a hesitant hand raised 
and behind smiles masked 
a message of thanks and hope
by the clapping of hands


She said
you find this much too easy
setting up base camp in our basement
directing operations from our dining room table
commuting each day to a spare bedroom
clean shaven
but barely dressed

I said
living inside this head
is never easy
and you have not seen
what I have seen

But actually
I am honoured
to have seen what I have
privileged glimpses
unintended or shared
into the lives of others
décor from different decades
questionable wallpaper
cluttered rooms or sparseness
carelessly filed physical formats of music
laundry unlaundered
noises off
drinks delivered
a supporting cast of
pets rampant
toddlers implacable
spouse passing by without mention
shotgun slung over his shoulder

Our technical skills have become more skilled
Our private lives have become more private
blurred professionally now
faded out to corporate backgrounds
or with shared stock photographs
room and window views
that hint
at unlikely colleague co-habitations

The place of work
is now a place of emptiness
a labyrinth of soundless corridors
doors and windows
barred and shuttered
and yet
in most of its fullness
the work of this place continues

This a place where lives were changed
where lessons were learned
where choices were made
where money was earned

This was a place of comings and goings
of to-ings and fro-ings
of rough and tumble
of shout and mumble

This is a place where questions were asked
and sometimes
were answered
where rumours began
and sometimes
ran free
if not always true

Its rhythm and fluency muffled now
the work of this place
in the ether
on the screen
at the dining room table
in the spare room
or the room shared with spouse or siblings
and at a distance
but with purpose
lives lessons and choices continue


Nature inhales deeply
breathes out fully
relishes the freshness of the air
the exhaust fumes less travelled
the carbon footprints walking slower
with a gentler tread
sighs in relief
at the respite we have given it
reclaims the spaces
we have vacated for it
allows its seasons to run on regardless
if a little confused
snowstorms in April
heatwave in May
dazzles and delights
appreciates its wider audience
with less need to do
and more time to watch and see
expands its palate of long-drawn sunsets
refreshes every hue
blends lightly
the mix of air land sea and sky
paints its whin bushes an even brighter shade of yellow
this year
leaves its blossoms on display for just that bit longer too
knowing that if
in any year
we are going to need it or enjoy it more
then this year
that year

The therapy cat prowls confidently
fully clothed now
in his newly adopted role
providing succour to his humans
a comforting routine of entertainment offered
and regular demands made
food bowl replenished
treats between meals
fully serviced litter tray

First thing in the day
he throws himself on his back on the bedroom floor
legs akimbo
luring in waking human hands
to ruffle his stomach
scrag him pleasantly around the neck

He grinds his jaw on window patrol
rapid staccato yelps alerts to an intruder
daring to linger
by the edge of his kingdom
Throws himself four feet in the air
clatters claws against glass
and in a hasty flutter of wings
sends the pigeon soaring skywards
raises too
a comforted chuckle in human throats

He searches the warmest
most inconvenient places to rest
settles with languid ease
legs extended
paws crossed
a contented throaty purr
vibrates an invitation for a gentle grooming
now please

He promotes home-working well-being
guards against excessive screen time
lies on keyboards
blocks webcams with his most bushy of tails
purrs deafeningly close to the microphone
Job done

an outside door left ajar
a gust of wind from the unscreened world
brushes past his feline face
and his Achilles heel

Fresh air ruffles his mind
like infected air the minds of those he lives with
sleep patterns forever disrupted
terrors never unimagined
childhoods spent learning that the worst things
can happen

Therapy cat needs therapy now


When the first shot was fired
did they say
We’ll all be home for Christmas

When the first mushroom cloud burst into life
did they think
Soon we will all be safe

When the first lockdown was announced
did you believe
We’ll be back to normal by summer

It was always thus
keen illusions of permanence and safety
frameworks and facades
procedures and processes
with which we
shape build decorate order our lives
carefully constructing structures of the now
built on sands that will often
shift and twist
out of recognition
and far from expectations
lives that are lived in constant denial of the undeniable
always fragile
but determined to be fruitful

It was always us
unable to grasp a future that we cannot bear
nor carry imaginable burdens
more than one day at a time
agreeing reluctantly to be our own captors
but only for a while
these few days
this paltry number of weeks
expecting parole after three months
words of release and resolution
when normal returns
safe secure reassuring

We are further on the journey now
Journey’s end not yet in sight
but hope has jabbed and jagged its way into our hearts
as well as our arms
and though we surely know
the future we strive for is never the present we attain
if it is a better present
than the present now
then that is surely progress
at least
and worth striving for

Red lights near the brae’s peak
warn passing planes to beware
the long arching waves of news
slowly transmitting to a listening world
great undulations of information
peaks and troughs of stories
inundating the airwaves

Wiser now
we should heed the news
become aware
hear with compassion
but not bury ourselves beneath mounds of empathy
consumed by problems we cannot digest
by fears we need not yet face
but knowing
understanding enough
in our actual now
to take one step
then another
dancing slowly
but determinedly
learning from nature
to adapt and change
to grow into a new normal
to sense the sense of direction
living fully in the now
but with one eye firmly locked on a future
built from lessons learned

About dp40days

A senior leader in Further and Higher Education, now based in Moray (pronounced "Murray") on the coast of the Scottish Highlands. (I know, I love paradox). We have more sunshine and less rain each year than my previous home in Manchester, and about fifty more distilleries too! You can find me on Twitter as @DP40days. Blogs so far have been mainly about work and travel but frankly, I've been a bit quiet recently. Maybe that's about to change...
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